Italian Universities in the Face of Fascist Antisemitism

Current Status and Perspectives of Research Eighty Years after the Racial Laws


  • Nicola D'Elia none



Antisemitism, Fascism, Racial Laws, Italian Universities, Jewish Scholars


In 2018, on the occasion of the eightieth anniversary of the enactment of the Racial Laws in Italy, Italian universities apologised for their support of the antisemitic campaign launched by the fascist regime in the late 1930s. Such a valuable and remarkable event would have been unlikely without the impetus of an increasing amount of research, which, especially in the last twenty years, has investigated Italian academic institutions as the preferred forum for the incubation, development, and implementation of fascist racism and antisemitism. This paper discusses the most relevant issues addressed by recent scholarship dealing with the topic. Furthermore, it highlights the need to explore to a greater extent the relationship between Jewish academics and Italian fascism.




How to Cite

“Italian Universities in the Face of Fascist Antisemitism: Current Status and Perspectives of Research Eighty Years After the Racial Laws”. 2020. S: I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 7 (1): 87-99.