Children's Memory

The Experiences of Hungarian Jewish Children as Forced Labourers in Vienna and its Vicinity in 1944/1945


  • Rita Horváth VWI



forced labour in Vienna, testimony, childhood


Through an in-depth analysis of a testimony of a child survivor of the Hungarian Jewish forced labour in Vienna and its vicinity in 1944/1945, which he gave in a DP camp in the immediate aftermath of the Holocaust, this article examines crucial aspects of the experiences of the Hungarian Jewish forced labourers in Vienna and tests the usefulness of testimonies from children and young adolescents for historical research. The present study explores some of the unique features of the so-called Strasshof deportation within the Holocaust and investigates what it means for the story of the Viennese forced labour itself that we have to rely heavily on memories of children to learn about it.



How to Cite

“Children’s Memory: The Experiences of Hungarian Jewish Children As Forced Labourers in Vienna and Its Vicinity in 1944 1945”. 2019. S: I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 6 (2): 75-92.