Experiences of Jews Who Converted to Christianity before and during the Holocaust

An Overview of Testimonies in the Fortunoff Video Archive


  • Ion Popa University of Manchester




Conversion to Christianity, Jewish identity/belonging, Church attitudes towards Jews, Jewish-Christian relations


Research on Jews who converted to Christianity before and during the Holocaust has been scarce until recently, although since the 1980s survivors’ testimonies began to mention such experiences more often. This article offers a first general overview of 97 testimonies found in the Fortunoff Video Archive of Holocaust Testimonies that describe the experience of conversion of Holocaust survivors. Based on the information provided by these testimonies it 1) analyses the attitudes of Christian and Jewish institutions and individuals towards converts and 2) explores the way in which the experience of conversion impacted the sense of belonging and Jewish identity of the survivors.




How to Cite

“Experiences of Jews Who Converted to Christianity before and During the Holocaust: An Overview of Testimonies in the Fortunoff Video Archive”. 2020. S: I.M.O.N. Shoah: Intervention. Methods. Documentation. 7 (1): 75-86. https://doi.org/10.23777/SN.0120/ART_IPOP01.